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This is Not Your Grandaddy's Motor Scooter

Are you over 40 years of age or older with some gray hair creeping in around the edges? Yep...that would be me, and if you are included in this age group, do you remember the first gas powered moped you owned? I sure do! I was about 12 years old and lived on a very large chicken farm outside Ft. Pierce, Florida. Our home fronted on a dirt road, about a mile long leading out to the state paved road. After I learned to ride a bicycle, I pretended to be Zorro with a homemade cape flying across my back as I rode down that dirt road. Man, did I love Zorro. A few years later, my parents bought for me a small Allstate gas powered moped. Now I'm in Zorro heaven! If I can just get my brand new (used) gas powered moped to run on a consistent basis. I had to replace the spark plug about every week, but I didn't care, for I could fly down that dirt road with my Zorro cape on my back at an amazing 10 to 15 miles per hour. Oh lordy...I was in heaven! Back in the day...my little gas powered moped provided all the excitement I could handle...when it ran.

Fast forward to the year 2009 and the XM-5000Li electric moped traveling at speeds to 60 miles per hour.
Holy mackerel...my Zorro cape would be torn to shreds! This is not your grandaddies motor scooter.

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The new X-Treme Scooters XM-5000Li electric moped combines extreme power, excellent features and an appealing design to attract people who want to commute to work, who want to "be green" and who still want to maintain their personal freedom.

This new model from X-Treme scooters arrives at a time when President Obama is asking the government to develop new, cleaner and more efficient energy initiatives and to re-examine tougher emissions standards for motor vehicles...enter the electric moped.

The XM-5000Li, an electric moped/motorcycle capable of traveling 60 miles per hour, can operate for 90 miles on a single electrical charge. It can reach this top speed in 6 seconds or less. This makes commuting to work on an electric moped viable for anyone. This electric moped is equipped with 21 lithium batteries. These batteries have a life cycle of 7 - 10 years and can be recharged up to 2000 times. Unlike most electric moped/motorcycles on the road today, the lithium battery does not require daily charging.

With the volatility of gas prices and a steady increase in worldwide greenhouse emissions, electric mopeds, or modes of transportation are an affordable alternative to traditional forms of travel. The X-Treme electric moped XM-5000Li emits zero carbon emissions, resulting in cleaner air quality. It can also reduce our dependency on foreign oil consumption and it is significantly quieter than gas powered motorcycles.

Since weight distribution is an important factor with motor scooters, mopeds and street bikes, the lithium batteries are located in a low position under the driver's seat. This keeps the bike's center of gravity close to the ground which gives the electric moped and rider improved stability and control.

X-Treme Scooters' new moped/motorcycle, known as the XM-5000Li, features a new controller design not found on any scooter in its category today. Expected to sell in the $6,000 price range, the XM-5000 Li electric moped carries a full year warranty and a two year warranty on the batteries. Consult your state or local authorities as this model may qualify for an energy rebate.

The X-Treme XM-5000Li electric moped is street legal in all 50 states. Orders for this new and innovative product are being taken now, and are available for delivery to your door.

Now..one last word of advice while riding your brand new electric moped...leave the cape at home and be sure to always wear a helmet, no matter what size electric motor scooter or gas powered moped you choose to buy.

This is Not Your Grandaddy

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